My Projects

Published 10 Dec 2018

Digitor F4528 (Audioline TL38 CLIP)


Hardware description


  • LCD, 1 row by 16 alphanumeric, 5×5, characters. Plus 1 row by 16, 7-segment, digits and 1 row of symbols/icons.
  • Atmel AT24C32 i2C 2-Wire Serial EEPROM.
  • Promax-Johnton PJ31002 Tone ringer for telephone set.
  • Unisonic MC34018 Voice switched speaker phone circuit.
  • Unidentified 8 pin i2C chip, A?90150 E251 F


Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

Tear down

Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

Digitor F4528

References and Additional Resources

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