Published 1 Apr 2018

FPGA resources

\\ Really just a page of bookmarks of useful looking FPGA info. ====== References and Additional Resources ====== * [[|What is an FPGA video]]. * [[]], intro. * [[|A structured VHDL design method]], better than ’dataflow’ style for VHDL designing. * CPU cores implimented on FPGA * [[|Open source gateware cores]], CPUs implimented on FPGAs. * [[|Oldland CPU 32-bit FPGA Core]]. * [[| digilent projects]]. ===== Starter boards ===== * Altera DEO nano * [[|DE0 Nano Introduction]]. * [[]]. * [[|DE0 Nano SoC]] DEO nano successor. * [[|ADC LCD FPGA]], ADC & LCD Interfacing with DE0 Nano. * [[|DE0 Nano VGA Output]], VGA card implemented with a DEO Nano. * [[|DE0 Nano manual]]. * [[|emb4fun]], how to create a microprocessor system on your FPGA development board and run software on it. * Basys2 * [[|Digilent Basys2]] ([[|Basys2 PDF]]), Spartan-3E 250, switches, buttons, LEDs, 7 segment display, VGA. * MAX10 * [[|Maximator]], MAX10 FPGA, USB programmer, multi-function shield, ADC, VGA/HDMI, Altera Quartus Prime. * [[|DE10-Lite]], Terasic Altera MAX 10 FPGA board. * Spartan * [[|Xilinx Spartan FPGA]], and open-source hardware and software project. * [[|Papilio Plus]], hamsterworks. If any referenced page no longer exists, try looking for its URL on \\ ----
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