Published 6 Feb 2019

Uniden MobileLink DECT3216

\\ ===== Overview ===== \\ ===== Hardware description ===== ==== Components ==== * [[:electronic:lcd:dect3216|LCD]], 2 rows of 16, 5x8, alphanumeric, characters. Plus top and bottom rows of a mixture of icons and digits.. * [[|FM24C08B]] 2-wire Serial EEPROM, 8K (1k x 8). | * [[|DCX79EF0CFAE2FNC S2T420.1]] "DECT-enabled home gateway", ARM968 CPU, RAM, ROM, SPI. ===== Examples ===== {{:electronic:lcd:p2064086a.jpg?800|Uniden DECT3216 front}} ---- ===== Tear down ===== {{:electronic:equipment:phone:p2064089a.jpg?800|Uniden DECT3216 interior}} {{:electronic:equipment:phone:p2064092a.jpg?800|Uniden DECT3216 interior}} \\ \\ ====== References and Additional Resources ====== \\ \\

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